國立聯合大學 | National United University |
進修學士班 | Bachelor's degree further study programs |
進修推廣部 | School of Continuing Education |
教務組 | Academic Affairs Section |
推廣教育組 | Continuing Education Section |
推廣教育 | Continuing education |
Course information |
一般大學學籍 | Regular university student status |
國外學歷採認 | Recognition of overseas degrees |
學生事務組 | Student Affairs Section |
Master's degree on the job programs |
學籍與學歷 |
Student status and educational background
就學貸款 | Education loans |
學雜費收費 | Collection of miscellaneous fees |
二年制在職進修專班 | Two-year on the job further study programs |
學費與獎助 | Tuition and scholarships |
招生業務 | Admission Affairs |
輔系、雙主修(修讀標準) | Minor、double major |
轉學考 | Transfer to another |
學雜費減免 | Exemption of miscellaneous fees |